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Optiska sensorer - Bilddetektorer - Logisk utgång

Optiska sensorer - Bilddetektorer - Logisk utgång

Optek Technology / TT ElectronicsOptek Technology / TT Electronics
OPL801-OCOPL801-OCOptek Technology / TT ElectronicsBeskrivning:SENSOR PHOTOLOGIC HERMETIC TO-18
OPL821-OCOPL821-OCOptek Technology / TT ElectronicsBeskrivning:SENSOR PHOTOLOGIC HERMETIC TO-18
OPL561-OCOPL561-OCOptek Technology / TT ElectronicsBeskrivning:SENSOR PHOTOLOGIC SIDE LOOKING
OPL531-OCBOPL531-OCBOptek Technology / TT ElectronicsBeskrivning:SENSOR PHOTOLOGIC CMOS SIDE LOOK
Honeywell Sensing and Productivity SolutionsHoneywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions
SDP8371-001SDP8371-001Honeywell Sensing and Productivity SolutionsBeskrivning:PHOTOTRANSISTOR SIDE-LOOKING
SDP8610-003SDP8610-003Honeywell Sensing and Productivity SolutionsBeskrivning:PHOTODETECTOR SCHMITT SIDE LOOK
SDP8602-001SDP8602-001Honeywell Sensing and Productivity SolutionsBeskrivning:PHOTODETECTOR SCHMITT SIDE LOOK
SDP8610-001SDP8610-001Honeywell Sensing and Productivity SolutionsBeskrivning:PHOTODETECTOR SCHMITT SIDE LOOK
AMI Semiconductor / ON SemiconductorAMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor
QSE256QSE256AMI Semiconductor / ON SemiconductorBeskrivning:IC PHOTOSENSOR SIDELOOKER
QSE257QSE257AMI Semiconductor / ON SemiconductorBeskrivning:IC PHOTOSENSOR SIDELOOKER
QSE258QSE258AMI Semiconductor / ON SemiconductorBeskrivning:IC PHOTOSENSOR SIDELOOKER
QSA156QSA156AMI Semiconductor / ON SemiconductorBeskrivning:IC SENSOR BUFF TOTEM-POLE TO-18